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I Broke: I’ll Never Forgive Myself for Hitting My Autistic Son

One mother offers an intimate and personal look into loosing it with her child.

I Hate When People Use the Word Retarded

My short ventilation about how the “r-word” should not be part of anyone’s vocabulary.

Dad’s of Disability: 26 Days

In the first 26 days of my son’s life, I did more for him than my father has done for me in my entire life.

10 Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew

Because the world can look different to a child on the autism spectrum...

You Know You’re A Sensory Parent When...

Being a parent of a child with SPD is not an easy task...

Learning to Let your Special Needs Child go

If you’re the parent of a high functioning child with a disability here’s what you need to know...

NICU Mom: You are Finally Going Home

There were honestly moments when I thought this day would never come...

I Blamed Autism for My Divorce

Autism didn’t cause our divorce. The heartbreak of it did.

If Acceptance Does Not Mean Giving Up: What Does it Mean?

My son taught me the meaning of unconditional love,to honor his sacred right to be loved for who he is...

A Special Needs Dad’s Viewpoint

But mostly, it brings meaning to what matters most… family, friends, and our support network. 

Pregnant After Having a Child with Special Needs

The two boys I have been given are pretty great, I should have no reason to believe this one won’t be as well.

11 Things Parents with Children in Wheelchairs have to Deal with.

Etiquette for engaging children who are wheelchair bound...

Why Are You So Afraid of My Child with Special Needs?

I am sad this little boy is being taught it’s OK to end friendships if the other person acts differently from you.

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