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Monday, 29 April 2019 15:47

I Hate When People Use the Word Retarded

I Hate When People Use the Word Retarded

My short ventilation about how the “r-word” should not be part of anyone’s vocabulary.

Should Parents of Children with Severe Disabilities Be allowed to Stop Growth?

A story in The New York Times explores the lives of parents raising children with severe disabilities, and whether it’s ethical...

Monday, 25 March 2019 11:25

The Problem with New Shoes

The Problem with New Shoes

The wrong pair of shoes can create a day of misery for anyone, when special needs are added to the mix...

Monday, 25 March 2019 10:56

Dad's of Disability: 26 Days

Dad’s of Disability: 26 Days

In the first 26 days of my son’s life, I did more for him than my father has done for me in my entire life.

10 Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew

Because the world can look different to a child on the autism spectrum.

10 Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew

Because the world can look different to a child on the autism spectrum...

Is it Fair to Expect my other Children to Take Care of their Special Brother?

Is it fair to expect our other children to take on the role of caregiver when we can’t...

Oops! When “Autism” isn’t an Autistic Disorder: Hyperlexia and Einstein Syndrome

Children who read early (hyperlexia) or speak late (Einstein Syndrome) have something in common...

21 Stress Free Tips to Teaching Your Child with Special Needs to Dress Themselves

Follow these easy steps to help your child with special needs dress themselves.

Living with a Severe Food Allergy: A psychological perspective

What is the impact on social and family life, when a child is diagnosed with severe food allergy?

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