school guide
assistive technologies

Meet the Parents

Ryan and Veronica Nel

Joshua has taught me to be brave, he has made us realise the amount of strength we never knew existed within us...

Liesl Swanepoel

Unfortunately very few people have empathy for disabilities that cannot be physically seen...

Eric and Francina Phakamea

Joshua has thought me to be brave, he has made us realise the amount of strength we never knew existed within us...

Bradley and Phillecia Naicker

Joshua has thought me to be brave, he has made us realise the amount of strength we never knew existed within us...

Michael and Desirae Pillay

... I count the support we have a huge blessing because I meet many parents who have no support at all.

Janine and Candice Scott-dos Santos

Aiden takes his illness in his stride, accepting his circumstances, as difficult as they are...

Mario and Jade Da Silva

Aiden takes his illness in his stride, accepting his circumstances, as difficult as they are...

Gilberto and Anelise Fiuza

Hugo, smiles and loves receiving all the attention he can get, he is so adorable...

Ilze Jacobs

To always be as happy as she is now, to be carefree and accepted by the world...

Yvonne Grimbeek

He has taught me that there is nothing like a child’s hug to...

Juanie Lundie

You are good enough, beautiful enough and strong enough...

Candice Hirson

They are in a school where they are understood and not rejected or judged...

Russel and Veronica Steyn

Time has allowed for healing, for accepting and for loving Carla for who she is...


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