school guide
assistive technologies

Early Steps, Big Impact: Early intervention and your child’s posture

Maximize Your Tax Benefits for Disabilities with Numberwize!

Are you making the most of your tax relief for disability-related medical expenses?

EDU360 Integrated Education 

Cortical Visual Impairment - A Brain based visual impairment

CVI workshops offered by experts Dr Christine Roman-Lantzy & Lindsay Hillier.

How a Kid with Special Needs affects your Marriage: Extreme Honesty

Signs that your Child needs a Remedial or Special Needs School.

Helping Your Child Develop Communication Skills

How can I Study so Hard and Still Do Badly in Tests?

The Trials of Toilet Training An Older Child With Autism

 There is almost no literature available on training the older child with autism...

Help! My child won’t sleep!

Tips written by parents for parents of children with disabilities.

Should You Tell Your Child about Their Disability or Diagnosis?

I understand why many parents don’t tell their children about their disabilities; but the kids know...

Anxiety and Coping With the Coronavirus

Managing worry — your kids’ and your own... 

Glenoaks Remedial And Special Needs School

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meet the parents